Schools and academies

Utilising AV, a classroom, assembly hall, or learning space can revolutionise the way in which academics and pupils collaborate
and interact.

Teachers can develop innovative teaching techniques to engage with a generation of students who study through interaction, multimedia and diverse communication methods.

For over 45 years, we have been at the forefront of AV technology in education, delivering sector leading solutions to advance the way in which our students
​​​​​​​learn, grow, and develop.

GV provides a host of solutions to schools and academies elevating the academic process to create engaging learning environments. We help drive AV standards across schools and academies using technologies such as interactive displays, ‘Bring Your Own Device’ solutions, visualisers, and digital signage.

Facilitating rich teaching and 
​​​​​​​learning experiences through AV 

Audio visual requirements across the education sector are wide-ranging and are constantly changing as the ways in which students learn evolve. Our bespoke solutions have seen us transform classrooms, auditoriums, and group work areas for the benefit
of students and academics alike - thanks to the latest AV technologies paired with our design and integration experience. 

Schools and Academies can purchase through their local GV office or one of the many national frameworks including the Welsh NPS, Crescent Purchasing Consortium, Oasis Community Learning and Crown Commercial Service. 



What our clients say.

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Get inspired and download Bright Ideas 2020, with over 100 pages of the latest in Audio Visual excellence.

Large file, download by WiFi recommended.

Partners and relationships

The GV team brings with it access to our renowned network of industry-leading brands, ensuring every customer has access to the sharpest and latest advances in the AV marketplace. Technology moves quickly, so through our partners we aim to develop future-proof systems that draw on the latest technologies while being able to stand the test of time.

Big Brands