Modern Slavery Act Transparency Statement
This statement, made by GVAV, recognises the importance and risk of modern slavery and is also in line with our compliance of meeting our obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
This statement set’s out our commitment to understand potential modern slavery risks related to our business together with our commitment to help eradicate slavery, or human trafficking, in our own business and that of our supply chain.
"Modern slavery" is a term which covers slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking. It includes exercising ownership over a person; coercing or threatening someone to perform work they would not do voluntarily; and arranging or facilitating another person's travel with a view to them being exploited (even where the person consents to the travel).
GVAV aims to ensure that this issue is addressed within its business and supply chains. This statement sets out the steps we are taking in developing our procedures and how we check our compliance.
GVAV is a significant and recognised player in the UK market for the supply, installation and integration of AV products and AV systems. We have particular penetration and industry accolade for our works in the UK Higher Education Sector.
As an organisation we fully support the underlying principles contained within the Modern Slavery Act.
The HR Department is responsible for our anti-slavery initiatives, including the writing and implementation of policies and employee training. The Company Secretary, as the Compliance Officer for the Association, is responsible for due diligence, risk assessments and investigations.
The Directors of GVAV are responsible for overseeing our efforts to eliminate modern slavery and for monitoring progress. The HR department is responsible for ensuring that all recruitment and terms and conditions of employment comply with statutory requirements and that any employment agencies used are appropriately checked and commit to ethical standards. Our senior management team is responsible for ensuring that appropriate checks are made prior to any major orders being placed, and that we work with our Supply chain on this issue.
We have appropriate policies and process in place for employees:
These are referenced in our employee handbook, and copies are available from Line Managers/ the HR Department or our online portal. Employees are reminded of the policies when required and notified of any updates. Policies are updated on an annual basis.
Risk assessments
We consider that the main areas of risk of modern slavery within our business and supply chain are as follows:
- Recruitment of permanent or temporary staff via Agencies
- Purchases, in particular of Products, Services and Office consumables
- Suppliers who have manufacturing facilities outside the UK
The Company provides suitable training to ensure employees are aware of our approach to Modern Slavery so they can be vigilant in identifying and reporting any concerns they have.
Employees and managers are updated via our internal communications and briefings to ensure they are current with our Modern Slavery commitments and remain committed to our goals.
This statement relates to the period during our financial year, ended 31st March 2024.
This statement has been approved by the GVAV Board of Directors, who review and update it annually.
This statement has received Board approval on 20th May 2024.
This statement has been signed by our Joint Managing Director Daniel Abrahams, 21st May 2024.